Each time I search something with any search engine, click on one result, then go back and try to click again on the "Search" field the application crashes unexpectedly.
Randomly, when I need to login in the systems of my current client, the login page gives me a "Request Header Too Large" error and the only way to fix it is to clear the cache and retry. (This means logging in twice)
Every time I try to pay for a bus or train ticket the application times out when opening the payment page. The solution is to simply open it again, get an error stating "There is already a booking in progress" and open it for a third time. Then it works flawlessly.
Sometimes my Mobile Data connection stops working. Changing sim, switching it on and off, enabling and disabling Airplane Mode, nothing helps. The only solution is to reboot the device (works 80% of the times)
If I plug my laptop charger (the Dell one, that came with my PC) my laptop gets slower. I searched for a solution for weeks and didn't find anything that worked. If you have something please send me an email :(
When I open Powershell sometimes the Terminal just hangs and I need to press Enter a couple of times to unblock it.
The only way to request a takeback is to spam the "Request Takeback" button hoping that at one point it decides to do something. And then I end up resigning because I accidentally clicked the button above instead.
If I minimize the application while waiting for a move and then come back I need to input my move once, wait for the server to decline it, and then input it again.
Whenever I join a call outside of my organization or add someone to a currently ongoing call there is a small chance that my audio drivers will stop working. Literally, no microfone or speakers anymore. The only way to fix it is to right click the audio icon in the taskbar and run "Troubleshoot sound problems". This takes around 3 minutes to restart my drivers while every other member of the call is wondering where did I go. Oh, did I forget to mention that this also freezes and then crashes my Teams application? Glorious.
When I switch chats and quickly start typing the text for some reason gets inserted in reverse?
I tend not to use this tool since I prefer copying files using scp, but sometimes I have to. It's always a gamble if the file transfer has completed successfully and I need to check the file-size each time to ensure no bytes were randomly lost during the file transfer.